Create ethical imagery that empowers businesses & creatives with authentic photography for use in building and expanding their own brand and editorial stories.

A personal image search site for inspiring your creativity through authentic stock images and fine art photography.



To accelerate and provide ease in the image search process, to build trust and loyalty through a single-source site filled with authentic, quality photography that helps tell your story.



Empowering businesses and creatives with authentic photography and fine art at their fingertips, for use in building and expanding their own brand and editorial stories.


"We care about your time, your needs and your stories. It's our mission to make the image search personal, simple and enjoyable. We seek to inspire your creativity through authentic stock images and fine art photography."

— - Katie Dobies, Owner, Photographer, Creativepreneur

  • Save Time

    Less images to search through saves time; no more sifting through lesser quality photos that simply don’t fit your needs. Straightforward, affordable pricing with no required memberships or hidden fees.

  • Enjoy the Process

    Our images are of the highest possible quality and file size is specified individually so that you can find exactly what you are looking for in an efficient, enjoyable manner.

Meet Katie Dobies

Artist of Contemporary Photography, Katie Dobies is a New York State native residing in Bar Harbor, Maine. Katie studied Business Marketing at Florida Southern College. Disillusioned with life in a cubicle, she sought an aviation career and traveled as a flight attendant for almost a decade. During this time, Katie’s love of photography and passion for capturing moments of beauty through the lens soared to new heights. She was inspired to begin her professional photography career in 2014, shooting popular stock imagery for Istock by Getty Images, and has been a regular contributor at Saratoga Living Magazine since 2019. Utilizing her marketing background, she creates unique stock photos that grace thousands of publications from book covers to news articles to website art and beyond. Katie’s talents have caught the attention of Buzzfeed, USA Today, Stratton Magazine, MSN, Men’s Health, Travel and Leisure, Yahoo, Kiplinger, BBC and more. Her art is visible in public and private collections throughout the United States and in printed and digital media for thousands of clients internationally.




When I download an image, do I own it?

All images at Katie Dobies Photography come with a lifetime, non-transferrable, non-exclusive usage license. When you purchase one of our stock photos, you will receive an email with the link to download the full size file for immediate use. Katie Dobies Photography retains the ownership and copy-rights to all of the images.

How can I use the photos?

Articles, websites, business branding, blogs, social media posts, press-releases, marketing campaigns, advertisements, presentations, mobile applications, design elements, creative layering, e-books, album art, e-publications, newsletters, editorial works, film, television, video, video-games, digital picture frames, printed materials such as books, magazines, cards, postcards, newspapers, brochures, promotional items, billboards, packaging, business cards, decorations for display (to name a few).

Are there any restrictions?

We made our license as simple as possible so that it fits most needs. There are a few restrictions, however. Images may not be re-sold as stock images or as art for re-sale. Please see the Terms and Conditions for additional restrictions.

Do I have to tag or give credit to Katie Dobies Photography when I use the image?

We love seeing our images in action, please do! But it is not required. Send us URL’s for the chance to be one of our featured businesses!

Can I purchase an image for my client?

Yes. It must be purchased for each client individually. See Terms and Conditions for more info.

What is the return policy?

Images are sold ‘as is’ and are not return-able. Katie Dobies Photography makes no representations or guarantee of usefulness.