Where is the Best Place to Photograph Lupines in Maine?
Hi. My name is Katie Dobies. I am a former flight attendant and photographer from upstate New York residing in Downeast Maine. I love to share my love of travel and nature through beautiful photography. Sometimes I add words which lands us here at my travel blog, Through The Lens. Sign up for emails to see what’s new first!
The lupines are here! The lupines are here!
It’s June, and the lupine flowers seem to have blossomed overnight in Maine. These spectacular wildflowers usher in summer beautifully every June and will last for about three weeks. Lupines can be found all over the east coast, but there is something special about the way they line the roadsides and fields in Maine like soldiers, garbed in majestic shades of pink, purple, and cream blossoms. I mean come on, these flowers are just begging to be photographed!
Look to Deer Isle, Maine for the lupine flower photography of your ‘wildest’ dreams. In fact, many artists call Deer Isle home in the summer months because of its natural beauty.
Yours truly moved to Maine because of fond memories of family vacations to Deer Isle growing up. The camp that we rented had no running water or electricity. It was so peaceful. My mom, a landscape painter, was very inspired by Maine and my dad loved the fresh lobster and exploring the island. He even got invited to go out on an authentic lobster boat with my brother for a day. They said it smelled terrible but it was fun. When we would return to New York, my mom painted scenes of Stonington from the photos we took. She loved to paint the rocks and the docks.
There are many ways to discover the lupines on Deer Isle along roadways and water. Deer Isle is a place you can let your intuition guide you a little bit because you are on an island. Relax. Breathe. And enjoy nature photography at its best! Drive around and explore the nooks and crannies that Deer Isle has to offer like the Island Heritage Trust trailshes. Make sure to include a walk in the truly unique lobstering town of Stonington to see the display of lupines in front of the historic Opera House.
The best time to photograph lupines is around sunrise or sunset, when the sun is at lower angles and will make the flowers glow in your pictures. Deer Isle gives you an extra bonus in that at any time of day it could be foggy there. Fog and overcast can make for interesting flower photography, leaving a lot of space for creativity and some deeper colors in your photography.
Picture perfect pink lupines, order this as a print via Fine Art America.
Enjoy the beautiful lupine photos from my recent morning photo shoot in Deer Isle, Maine. I’d love to see the photos you create if you visit Deer Isle and Stonington for June lupine photography.
If you like my work, click on the image to order from my master works collection on Fine Art America. #buyintoart
Happy and Safe Shooting!
-Katie Dobies
Owner and photographer at stockphotoqueen.com